Hey Daydreamer, glad to see you havent met with any unfortunate accidents or sticky situations that ended you life (to much detail?). If your looking at this now scroll down, scroll down a leetle bit more until you see a post that is very VERY long, you don't have to read it all I just want you to read at least a little of it. Thnx, I dunno what to say. I REALLY wanna earn money right now since we're looking for a new house (HOUSE not FLAT) and we are gonna sell this place. I wanna be able to help out but I'm a bit young. When I turn 14 I can do babysitting, thats good. You can get a lot of money out of babysitting. I also know a GREAT site for getting part time jobs for teens but Im not of the legal age for a part time job. The sites 'SnagAJob.com' if you want it. Just look around. I dunno if I spelt it correct but check it out if you are a teen in need of a job (UK only...soz). Im really bored but I think I can make it anyways, no probs right now. Gah, I have such a profound life and I'm deep for a kid yet I can't think of anything to say. Just keep livin. Yh, thats good. Keep Livin!
(Oh and, how bout this 'MAKE LOVE NOT WAR' hehe...)
Little bit confused with your first lines which happens to be directed at me :)