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Sunday 31 October 2010


THIS POST HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH LOVE, BUT I FELT LIKE CALLING IT THAT ANYWAY!!! hahaha!!? God, I feel really lame right now, thanks to YOU daydreamer. I read your comment and I figured that I haven't given you enough information about me, since you thought that my fav character was Naruto!! Well, I do love Naruto but however, my fav character is Gaara. He is incredible and... DONT GET ME STARTED ON HIM!!!!!
So here is some random facts that you might want to know about me:
- My fav colour is green.
-My fav animal is a cat.
-My fav thing to say is ' DO IT OR I'LL THUMP YOU' ( although it's just an open threat, haha!!)
-I love shoujo and romance manga but only if it's completed.
-However, I dislike romance and shoujo anime, I prefer action and martial arts/sports.
-I love music.
-I love nature!!!
-I love to draw and sew... it heelps me realax.
-Wait... anything that means my hands are moving keep me relxed... like scooby-doo strings.
-I love the 'Skulduggery Pleasants' series. I reccommend to anybody above the age of 7.
-I like to do things which I have confidence in.
- I believe that the only thing that a human needs to believe in is themselves.NOT GOD.
- FORTUNE FAVOURS THE BRAVE, remember that and live you life to the fullest.

Thursday 28 October 2010

ok, have it YOUR way!!

Fine Daydreamer. Have it your way. I'll guess. But not right now, I have a few things to bore you with first. My piano exam is coming up on the 13th of November. Halloween is coming up and I have a party to attend, what should I wear? ( consider this a retorrical question), and I have a talent show to attend 6th November and I'm acting in my school play, 8th and 9th ( December). Lets first talk about my school play. Well, I said in one of my comments that I would try to get you a ticket if I could. Well, the tickets are rather expensive... £5. Oh well, any one can come, it is at the Henrietta Barnett High School. Now lets move on. Talent show. My act? Well, I was planning on doing dance since that is one the subjects that I love and ( from my sisters' point of view) very good at. Don't you worry about what I would wear for that, I've got that sorted but what about the halloween party? Dunno. I'll decided later. NOW. LET ME GUESS.... Well, Daydreamer, I think that you a boy. Since in one of your posts you said that 'girls are lucky'. Well, I'll leave it to you to answer. One more question though. This is by far more personal than the boy/girl question. Once again you dont have to answer but which occupation ( worker/student) are you? I'm a student. Haha! I suppose you'd of guessed already, so me saying that is pointless right? Well, thats all for now. I'm gonna play on my Canaan online account:



Sunday 24 October 2010


THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!! Well, by all, I mean thanxs daydreamer. Today, I finally found some time to check up on my blog. WARNING!!! This post is going to be most probably very depressing since I have some anoying toddlers wandering around my room and making sooooooo much noise. Well, I suppose I can survive until my friends come over. Well, you could call them my friends and you could call them my cousins. They are my dad's colleague's children. They are very nice. One girl and one boy. They are both reaaaaaaaaaaaaaallly nice and they know about naruto and bleach ( the manga/anime not the toilet stuff). I think that it's about time to stop with the depressing stuff. Lets move onto the thanx of the day.
'The Thanx Of The Day' goes to DAYDREAMER!! Thank you so much daydreamer, for your very supportive comments. You give me a great strength. I will tell all my friends about you but b4 hand. 1 of my frends asked me if u were a grl or a boy. So I'm gonna ask you that now. It's alright if you don't want to tell me cuz i'd understand. Haha!!! God, I think I'm gonna die from from the noise these people. I feel like swearing right now. God, I think I should stop, but if I stop I am CERTAIN that I will explode!!!! AAARRRRRGGGGHHHH!!!! or as they say in Japan, NANDAYO!!!


Tuesday 19 October 2010

I'm back again.

In school, there are some really sick computers called apple macs and on them there is an even cooler programme called garageband. Today I created my first peice of music on that which lasts 1 min and 25(ish) seconds. But that is not the main point of this urgent post. I think I want to become an actress. I love acting and dancing and singing and I love new people. So I think that job would be perfect. I want to join a child stars agency so tomorrow in school I'm gonna ask my form teacher what child agency she used to become an actress. She played Sarah Jane's mum in Sarah Jane's Temptations. I'll see if I can get a pic of her. Nope.soz. I will probably post again tomorrow. so bye 4 now.

Sunday 17 October 2010

Welcome Daydreamer!!

Welcome!! I am super happy that I actually have a follower other than my best friend!! That sounded lonersome. = =''!! Oh well. Moving on to the other stuff. Lets start with I am so sorry. God I haven't posted in ages!!! As in agessss!!!! In school in the music lab, I just found that there is a really sick programme called 'Garageband' where you can create your own music. If ianyone knows where to download or install or buy it from please comment!! Right now I really feel like putting up a picture of my hamster but she's still asleep and I don't want to wake her up. Moving on once again. I have finished my prezzie for my dad and the one for my mum 9 the one's I made in D.T club) but I cant really put any pictures up cuz my sis has lost the camera!! HOW STUPID?? And she calls it her baby and all. My friend checked out my blog a few days ago and has started whining to me about the cruel stuff I wrote. Yh I admit that they are rather cruel but seriously what else do you expect from the devil queen? Plus I was only doing that to make her start posting again. It was getting lonley posting on my own!! BUT NOT ANYMORE!!! YEAHAH!!! I have finally suceeded in capturing my self a follower. No offense day dreamer, but I don't think that you would be bothered to check out my blog even though you have followed me. Prove me wrong and comment. Oh and, I forgot your URL, so can you plz include that on your comment. I wanna check out you blog again! Woops! My post is too long, so I'll cut it there. So bye for now.

Tuesday 12 October 2010


You know the newbie friend I told you about. Well she backed out of the whole blog thing. Chicken huh? But I see why, you don't get followers staright as I know since I have been on this blog for 3 whole months, and still have no loyal followers. = = '. I'm pathetic. I know. U don't need to tell me. Lots of new things to tell you now. Lets reall of the list then:
In case you don't know, I'm a girl.

I have created a character named Uunchi and I most probably will introduce him to you this thursday.

My dad's b-day is coming up on the 20th oct. I am making him a present in D.T club.

Oh, I have finshed the jewellery project and I've decided to give it to my mum for her b-day.

I just finshed reading a manga called 'Moe Kare!!' It is really really really good!! Here is the link to the website I got it from. Just search the name of the manga you want to read in the search bar: Keep in mind that you can just search manga fox in the google search bar?!

I've started free fighting in Tang Soo Do and I really can't wait to get on with it!!!

I think that's everything I need to tell. Oh and if you have any suggestions for manga or anime ( romance, martial arts, COMPLETED SERIES preferable catogories) please comment or put in the name of your blog for me to check out.
Well ,yh thnx, I'm gonna look for someone who doesn't have any followers to comment on!

Tuesday 5 October 2010


Well, this time I am not going to say sorry this time because otherwise my posts shall all be starting with apppologies. Moving on... I AM SO SORRY!!!!!!(I forgot I just said I wouldn't apologise) I didn't get my D.T club project finished like I thought I would. I might be finished by next Wednesday but I'm making no promises.
On to the nerves coloum. I have my first parents Evening today. I am worried. Is there any thing else to say. NO. I dont believe so. Me and Moonshine ( my copycat friend who joined last week) are both here right now. But never mind her. I have something very important to ask you all out there. Should I create a family blog? Not as in one I share with my family, I mean where I can get advice about things that are happening in my family. I'll put up a poll so plz vote. The results shall be collected by the end of September so you have plenty of time to give it some thought. Well thanx I think I shall put up another post in a few secs so hang in there my loyal minions!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!