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Thursday 26 January 2012


About HyperJapan, I think that on the day I will Vlog it as well as Blog it cuz when I was looking for vids on youtube, I couldn't find what I wanted so I thought that I should put what I wanted. Just thought I would tell you in advance so that if I do make a video, you guys can all look at it! I know this is random and also rather short, but that's cuz I am in the languages lab and in my german lesson! Soz, gotta go! LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUV

Sunday 15 January 2012


Soz, as usual, for not posting in ages!! Anyways, the good news that the 'WOOOHOOO!!!' came from is something that I think you will all agree is great news! Well, you know how much I love anime and manga and how addicted I am to Japan... guess what? Me and my friend are going to a convention called 'Hyper Japan'!!!! We are going on the 25th February (urgh, so long to wait) and it starts at 9:30AM and ends at 10:00PM, we plan on going for the whole thing. I was looking at some videos on Youtube and I saw that the ques were HUMUNGOUS last year so we deicded to get there an hour early. So, at 8:00, we also figured we'd need about an hour to travel so that's 7:00, and about an hour to get dressed (me and my friend are entering a cosplay competition!!) and I would need an hour to get to her place, so that's 6:00 and to wake up and get dressed to go to her place, that would take another hour!! I can't wake up at 5:00AM!! So, I persuaded my mum to let me go for a sleepover! No, I'm not kidding, I am going for a sleepover and my mum actually gave me permission to go!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday 2 January 2012


Well, I haven't been able to post in a while due to no internet but no worries! I have been keeping tabs on my life, though somewhat infrequent so I can later show you all. It's in diary format cuz I originally didn't plan on putting it on my blog but who cares?! Here it is:

Dear Diary,
Today is the 2nd of December and I am feeling VERY hungry. I forgot to get money to buy lunch. The reason that I need money today instead of having my packed lunch is cuz we are moving house now!! So we were packing and transporting everything to storage and we came home really late. And then, I woke up really late so I had to go to school quickly so I skipped breakfast and got dropped off at school. And THEN I noticed that I didn't have any money on me so I couldn't buy anything to eat for break or lunch. Christiannah my good friend just gave me some of her panini and some of her giant chocolate cookie and I am really grateful cuz I haven't had anything to eat yet. OH SHE IS SOOO NICE!! She just gave me some MORE of her cookie and even offered to buy me some lunch. Urgh. Lara and Sheren just arrived. How pisstaking. I want them to leave. I really want to eat. Seriously wanna eat. I wanna panini! A hot one, a nice hot panini filled with delicous tuna and sweetcorn and mayo!! *CRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
I really REALLY REALLY REALLY want food!! Guess what!! Christianna just gave me some money to get a panini!!! Well, more like she bought it for me. I LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUV HERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

*Few Minutes Later*

YAAAAAAAAY!!!! They left!!! WOOOOOHOOOO! I am really looking forward to going home today and eating food. Delicious hot and steaming white rice fresh from the rice cooker. With scrumptious chicken curry with lots and lots of gravy. Spicy chicken wings from Sams or KFC. Fries from Mcdonalds or even better LASANGA and I know I put it in Caps and thats cuz its LASANGA. Or how about toasted bread with hot chocoalte spread made from hazelnuts. Or even just a stale peice of bread.

Dear Diary,
I am BAAAACK!!! I am at Samdhi and Budhimma's house and I know I'm supposed to be doing my Geography homework due for tommorow but I really can't be bothered. I will get back to it in a bit but right now I need to take a little break. OOPS! I forgot to say what day today is, today is the fourth of December. Twenty one days till Christmas. Y'know what, I'm just gonna finish off my homework and I'll carry on chatting to ya so just wait a sec k?

*... later*

Homework half done, waiting for internet connection, watching X factor with the rest of them (Samadhi, Ammie, Tharushi and Indira auntie). Today Little Mix opened up the show, oh wait, I was wrong, it was a song sung by all the contestants. Now that I think about it, the only male in the competition is Marcus Collins the person that I don't really like. Last year it was only one female (if I'm correct). Now it seems that it's a female comeback, complete with all-girl band! Apparently Kelly Rowland is gonna be performing today. I really like Kelly Rowaland. I think that she is cool. I also really like the way that she speaks. It's really funny and entertaining. I'm kinda too tired to carry on typing up so catch ya later k?
C ya! ; D

Dear Diary,
Today is the sixth of December. I had a horrible trip home today but even in the future, I would rather forget about it (NOTE TO FUTURE SELF: I know that I'm curious about the details of my horrible journey home but I'm not bothered to type it up K?). I just finished the Powerpoint Presentation that I need for school tomorrow. I wanna watch TV or go on the computer but I can't really cuz there is this other little kid here and she is being taught by Indira auntie in the living room so I can't really do much bbecause if I do, I will disturb them and I can't be a trouble to them while I'm staying here. Look at this -> @('_')@ <- MONKEY!! HAHAHA! Funny ne? Well, I'm gonna do something or the other and I might even come back here and carry on typing, who knows, but for whatever amount of time I happen to be gone, goodbye! :D

Dear Diary,
I am here. Today is the 1st of January 2012!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Before this, we were at Nilmini auntie's house, a gigantic sleepover which lasted about five days. Yesterday this dude named Thidas came over and he was SUPER rich!! He had a BlackBerry Curve and went to private school (no, not on a scholarship) and he had a black Nintendo 3DS. He liked One Peice but, just like me his favourite anime/manga was BLEACH!!!! YAAY!!! His birthday was the 18th of March and he was 13 yrs old. We were drawing together at Nilmini auntie's house, he drew this weird sort of cyborg/pirate thing and I drew the first drawing of the main character of the manga that I am attempting to draw - Pandora. We both drew on this huge A5 (?) peice of thin paper that was originally supposed to be used for wrapping stuff that could break (glass and stuff like that). We are now at home and by the time we came back, our parents and ayya (oh yh, I forgot to tell you bout him, wait a sec I'll explain later!) bough home all the stuff in storage. All of the stuff in my 'CLOTHES' box had been opened by my parents and they had put it under the storage space underneath my bed. I added the rest of my clothes to it, opened my 'THINGS' box and placed everything on the two sets of three shelves accordingly. I also packed my bag and labelled all of my school books ready for Tuesday! I actually got a lot done. I haven't really told you many of the very important things, so lets start from the beginning. One Thursday, my parents said, go straight homw to our new house and not to Indira auntie's place cuz we were gonna start living there. We got to work on the house immediatley, painting the walls. doing the floors, fixing the beds. Two days after that, one of my cousin's came from Sri-Lanka for Uni. We said that he could stay with us until his university course actually started. Well, he helped a lot and now we have the whole upstairs painted and floored. The bathroom isn't complete yet. Most of the tiles are in, the ceiling is complete and the floor is almost complete too. There is a toilet and the shower enclosure is being fitted as I type. The shower itself does not seem to be complete. The sink is still in it's box downstairs and I have to say it looks really cool. Everything is square/rectangle shaped. The toilet, the showerhead, the sink. The shower enclosure is actually rather curved but that's it. The lighting in the bathroom is also cool. It's three seperate spotlights in the ceiling. Downstairs, the living room has been painted and has the floorboards down. The doorway between the kitchen and dining room has been closed off due to my dad's plans of converting and changing. I won't tell you about them now since we have no idea if the plans will be followed through as planned. That's all I gotta say, I'm gonna take a nap now. Good night! Oh, and Happy New Year!!!