Check Out My Blog

Monday 19 December 2011


We have done the wood laminating floorboards for all of upstairs except the bathroom and have painted everything upstairs including the corridors but except the bathroom. Downstairs we have painted the dining room and living room and have started putting down the floorboards in the living room too. We have made the three single beds for me and my two twin sisters' and today we bought the toilet and boiler and filter. Yesterday we threw out all of the stuff in the bathroom. The house is totally FREEEEEEEZING and we even left milk out and it didn't go off cuz that's how cold it is. Thats about it.

Thursday 15 December 2011

I moved in yesterday

Yh, we moved in yesterday, I know I should be more excited and trust me I really am but I can't be bothered to put in any ecslamation marks cuz I had waaaaaaaay to much to eat - school christmas lunch. It was really tasty just so you know. Anyways, when I got home yesterday my dad had already painted his and my sisters' rooms and was working on the floorboards in his room. He had also taken off the wallpaper on two of my walls. So, I wuickly set to work peeling of the rest of the ugly wallpaper and aferwards helped him do the floorboards. Today my dad's going to be working on the floorboards in my sisters' room and then helping me paint my room. Just so you know, every room is going to painted white for now. That's cuz we are kinda tight on money and after doing the floors and beds and carpetting and all the other basic stuff, we can start decorating and putting whatever we want in. The colour scheme that I am gonna use for my room is Kiwi and Lagoon or in other words green and blue. The bed that my dad has ordered for me is a single bed and it quite low down, the bed bit can be lifted up and underneath is a storage space. The mattress is made of memory foam! Woo! That should be cool. Yh, that's kinda it so ... yh... (*awkward pause*) So yh, bye! LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUV!

Monday 12 December 2011


Lately I feel myself breathe more.
I don't really get what it means.
Maybe it means I'm living - more.

Lately I feel my heart beat more.
I don't really get what it means.
Maybe it means I fear more, or feel - more.

Lately I notice the things that I've missed, the things that I've closed my eyes on, shrouded in mist, lately I notice that things never last, that everythings fragile, like a bird made of glass, lately I notice that the pumps of blood that speed through my body don't matter, the amount of breathes that I do take don't matter and the beats that my heart takes don't matter. Lately I see that its the moments that take my breathe away and the amount of times my heart skips a beat that matters.


(p.s Lycanthrope Feeling)

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Lots of things have happened

Yh, well lots of things have happened, are happening right now and are about to happen. My dad says (promises) that we shall move into the new house at around early next week. Deadline is the 16th of December. Though I said that there was a lot of new stuff that happened, I really am not bothered to type up everything. To say the truth, I don't really think that the stuff I was gonna say would make a difference whether I said it or not. Hope you don't mind that I can't really be bothered, I am really tired cuz I am living with a baby. You know that I don't really get along well with babies, now I have to live with one 24/7. I am really looking forward to moving out and getting my own room. See ya. LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUV.

Sunday 4 December 2011

Saturday 3 December 2011


Heyya guys!!! Me be at my dad's friend house(?). Oh yh,y'know I told you about taking the YMBA exam ... guess what ... I GOT A DISTINCTION!!!! WOOOHOOO! I also found out the new adress for our house. But I ain't gonna post it online ... d'ya think I'm stupid? No stalking allowed! :) Soz, I can't put any Kawaii emoticons cuz we at someone elses house and I'm on someone elses computer so I can't save nothing onto it. Soz. Well, thats all I gotta say so I gonna go now and I know that I am talking really weird but I can't help it so you know I'm just gonna go before I freak you out (If I haven't done it yet) So yeah, bye!!!! LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUV!!!

Thursday 1 December 2011

It's Thursday

Yh, it's THURSDAY!! Today is the day I move house!! One prob. Instead of getting a caravan or even a hotel room, we are gonna be FREELOADING at someone's house. A friend of my father's but even still I feel pissed. Anyways, I'm still looking foward to moving. I was up all night yesterday packing my bags and stuff. I'm not going to Tang-Soo-Do today cuz I'm gonna be helping with transporting all the stuff. I'm in school now, lunch break, soz but I gotta go (Registration!) See ya! LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUV!! (oh and I'll keep you updated!)

Tuesday 29 November 2011


This is actually starting to get on my nerves. My dad says that we might choose to stay in a hotel after all! I don't really mind but I would prefer it if he stopped changing his mind so frequently. We are moving out on THURSDAY!! We don't really have much time to change our decisions.

Oh and the URL I gave you turned out to be wrong. I got the correct one here:

Hope you can find the time and check her out cuz she's a good friend of mine! She's really quircky, fun and cool so I'm sure that you'll all love her! Gotta go!! Soz, my mum is being really annoying! :( Oh well! I'm moving soon so I'll just :)

Monday 28 November 2011


Y'know yesterday I told you guys about my friend who wanted to start a blog but I didn't know her URL to tell you all to check it out?! Well, now I have her URL!! Here it is! :

Remember to give her a warm welcome! What else can I say...

Oh, yh, I'm wearing a skirt to school today. I know it's random. Oh yh and, instead of us moving into a hotel for a week we are gonna hire a caravan!!!! How cool! It's gonna be like camping out instead we are camping in! I REALLY can't wait to move house and get my own bedroom!!!! I've just been checking stuff out and I have decided that the next thing that I shall beg and beg my mum and dad for and save up for will be these £35.00 Headphones! (I know they are REALLY expensive - but they are RILAKKUMA!!) Soz, gotta go! LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUV

Friday 25 November 2011

Some one new!

You know the friend I was talking about earlier? Well, guess what?! She decided to join blogger too!!!! Yay!! I am soo happy, another friend ... though we don't really know how long she'll last ... What do you think of all my new emoticons? I really like them but I don't know if they are a bit too much! ( > . < )!! If it hurts you eyes, then I'm sorry and please tell me so I can stop! Oh, and back on to what we were originally talking about, I don't know her URL yet so when I get it, I'll tell you guys so please check it out and give her a warm welcome to blogger! By the way, I just happened to be using a load of pink bunny emoticons in this post but there are loads of other animals and even thing like blobs.

ARRRGHH!! I FORGOT!! Next week the results for our Twelfth Night auditions are coming out!! I am soooo positive that I didn't get the part I wanted!!! Waaaaah!!!!


Yh, soz

This is just a message to say that I'm sorry for not writing proper messages for some time. I don't really have an excuse for this so you can say what ever you like through comments. I don't have all that much to say but normal weird stuff that I always say about school. As you probably guessed, I am at school. My friend (not one that I have mentioned before > . <)typing next to me (well not really typing, more like checing the news on Yahoo!) loves Twilight. I don't really have anything against it, but I don't really have an interest for it. I think that its probably cuz I think that Vamps should be blood thirsty killers not mushy breather-lovers :P

Today I should be getting my Spanish test results, you know that i didn't really care about my German or French, but I really NEED good results for Spanish and Latin or Im SCREWED!!!!!

As you can see, I have started putting some pretty cute kitty emoticons (what you think?) Im just gonna randomly pick out some more emoticons on my next post too.

And it isn't just kitty's that they have! If you like these emoticons, there's millions more at!!!!! Check it out!! See ya, gotta go for registration! LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUV!

Thursday 24 November 2011


My bento arrived on Monday but I haven't been able to get on the internet since. I am writing from school in case you wanted to know.

However, that's the smallest piece of news I have!
Apparantly we are moving out of our house at the start of next month!!! That's a week away. Due to the short notice, we are going to have to love in a HOTEL!!! for a week or so!!!!
Also, for my History Assesment I got a 6a/A!!!!!!
I've gotta go now for registration!! LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUV!

Monday 21 November 2011


OMG!!!! MY BENTO BOX ARRIVED!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) !!!!!! I've made my lunch for tomorrow in it!!!!! ARRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! I am sooooooooo excited till tomorrow comes!!!!!!

Thursday 17 November 2011

My dad came home a fefw days ago

I know that this is kinda late for me to say this but my dad came home. He bught me some presents which included hair cips and baubles and a few piano books with singhala songs. In case I didn't mention this before, my dad was going to Sri-Lanka to sort out some money issues. Anyways, on Tuesday we ordered the bento box with his help and now it is on it's way to me! I am super excited!!! I REALLY can't wait till it arrives!! > . < !!!

Thats literally all I wanted to say. ...

Friday 11 November 2011

A lot to say...

As the title hints, I have a lot to say. About one thing. In fact it's a little story so please listen. You might get confused. Don't say anything to me, I already told you. So here goes.

I tried making onigiri and sausage tako and putting into a normal box and taking it to school like a bento box but it didn't work cuz it wasn't a bento box. I was really upset so I tried searching for cheap bento boxes. Luckily I found a great site called Modes4u which has soo many cute RILAKKUMA things!! So I found this adorable two tiered rilakkuma bento box. It was red with a picture of Rilakkuma, Korilakkuma and kiroiitori eating heart shaped pancakes togehter. It came with chopsticks and a chopstick case and a strap and the top compartment was adjustable so you could fit whatever you wanted in it! It was £13.41 and I convinced my mum to let me get it. But then... I found that Ella was also getting the same one. I introduced her to Rilakkuma and to bento boxes and I am slightly pissed that she was the one who got it. I would't mind if it was someone who knew at least what these things were. She still doesn't know rilakkuma's name and she never knew what a bento box was in the first place. However, after a lot more difficult and annoying searching, I found another one at the same price but it was yellow and had two tiers and it had a picture of Rilakkuma, Korilakkuma and Kiroiitori making coffee together. It also came with a strap, chopsticks and chopsticks case and I have to say that I totally love it! I still have to tell my mum though. I had piano and surprisingly I get along with the teacher now. I keep on telling you how much I hate it don't I? Well after she got her budgies, I have to say she's got a lot nicer. Now I don't exactly hate her or the classes though I still don't have any passion for playing piano. I just find it really tiring to go there and back by bus. All of my school assesments are coming up next week and the week after as well as the centenary showcase rehersals and the auditions for Twelfth Night. I love the wa that they spelt 'Twelfth' back then. My audition date is 22nd November and the time is 1:10. Meaning I have to leave my lesson at 1:00 so I can fill in my audition sheet.
I know this is totally of topic but I really can't wait till christmas! I really am looking forward to it! I can't wait for the secret santa thing we do every year! I really want to get someone something nice this year cuz now we know what everyone likes so I get them something really good. Sorry that I can't get you anything Daydreamer, it's just that it's a bit expensive to send things abroad and my parent's won't get why you're special. When I came home today, I started missing my hamster and I even cried. Hopefully this will stop soon as I really want to move on. I don't want to get caught up in the past because I am living in the present! That brings me on to another random thing, Bleach just updtated. And I've gotta go! Thanks for listening to me. LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUV!!!!!

Monday 7 November 2011

Yh, I'm back

This post is full of mixed feelings. Just a little warning before you decide to continue. Right now I am getting over the death of my little furry friend however time has not stopped and my life is still as cruel and unforgiving as ever. We have four, FOUR exams next week and I have to study for them at the same time as doing my home work, studying for my singing exam ( which is coming up at the first week of december), studying for my piano exam, waiting nervously for my YMBA results, learning my lines for the Centenery Showcase, learning the audition lines for Twelfth Night and practicing my form and free fighting for my Tang-Soo-Do grading coming up. On the good side however, we were just told that tomorrow The Times is coming to our school to write an article about us and they will randomly interview people so be on your best behaviour. Im really excited however I don't know if they have The Times in India so I'll just point out that The Times is a MAJOR newspaper. Though the chances of being directly interviewed is unlikley I am still very excited about the whole affair. I hopw that this doesn't seem too childish. Today my mum said she'll take me shopping because I want to make a japanese style lunch for school tomorrow so I can use my chopsticks and show them to my friends. I also need to get the new Skulduggery Pleasants book ( YES!! My mum actually allowed me to get it. And no, its not because she was in a good mood but because I have enough vouchers to buy it and because it isn't in the libraries) and a scientific calculator for school. Well, I've got lots of things to do and if I haven't mentioned it yet, I am typing from school. Yesterday my aunt phoned me and gave me the job of created a blog and website to promote her friend's buisness and I really like her so I gotta do well. She shall be comeing around next week to see it and us. If all goes well I could get payed (She is really nice so I would expect at least a sweety from her). Before you jump to conclusions, no, I do not actaully ask for money from my own family but I know my relatives rather well and she is the type to pay for any kind of s3rvice she aquires. Oh yeah, talking about money, a few days ago my savings hit £130!! It may not seem so much for an adult but for a child its a fourtune (though I have no intention of spending it! > w < . Also, my interest would allow for 30p to be payed into my account by the bank everymonth and since Christmas and my Birthday is coming up I shall get increasingly richer!! Yay! I feel a lot better after discussing (or more like one-sidedley ranting) my life with all of you. Thank you for the support after my loss! :) Soon, I'll recover and get another pet.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

My hamster just died.

I wanted to put all the pictures of her on here as a tribute but right now I'm not strong enough to see her again.

My sis came back from japan!

Yh, my sis came back from Japan yesterday and she got me all sorts all cute things! Before I list what they are I have a bit more ranting to do! :)
My sis took some pictures in those cool photo booths in Japan with her new friends and she looks beautiful! All the people there apparently said that she was sooo cute and I soooo agree with them! Now on to the list of all the cute and random things she bought me.
A minnie mouse hat (it has her ears and bow on it and it cost 2300yen from desneyland)
A pair of chopsticks (they are green, each with two pictures of really cute lucky cats on them!)
A Onepeice Chopper mirror (pink, rather big, with the Chopper wanted poster on it)

This is a picture of the wanted poster!
She also got me:
A 'SWIMMER' purse (swimmer is the name of the company)

All the things below were bought it one little pack:
A cat shaped glue thingy (super cute!!!)
A pink highlighter with cute picutures on it (need i say any more?)
A face towel with a super cute bunny on it (awww!)
A tiny little book also made by 'SWIMMER'

A pair of One Peice socks (socks! Socks are just soo random!)
A Natsu key tag! (Natsu is a character from Fairy Tail.

That's Natsu!

A Pirate's Of The Caribbean Key holder thingy (I LUUUUUV Pirates Of The Caribbean!!)
A Pokemon letter kit (I like pokemon too. I may be a bit old for it though! > . <)
A One Peice Chopper Diary for 2012
A Bleach manga (volume 52) (I LUUUUUUUUUUV BLEACH!!! I literally started crying when she gave it to me!!)
A Fairy Tail manga (VOlume ??? don't remember)

Yeah... I think that's it. Oh yh! She bought LOADS AND LOADS AND LOADS of random sweets. Mmmm... they look tasty! Well I'm having a good day so far. I wore my hat to school and put my bus pass in the purse and used the little diary (it had october and november and december 2011 as well) and used a page from the miny book to write down my mum and my dad's numbers and put that in my purse. I read both the mangas (though I can't read Japanese I can at least look at the pictures!). Oh and I wrote using the pink highlighter! Ahhh, I am soo happy... I have a feeling of bliss inside me. Haaah. Im gonna get a recipe for some japanese food so I can cook it at home for dinner and we can eat with our chopsticks! :) LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUV!

Thursday 27 October 2011

I just thought of something important that I have to say :)

I just thought of something that I want to say to everyone. Thank you for putting up with me for all this time and taking the time to read and comment on my blog! I am truly grateful to you all and I hope that you will all carry on supporting me and giving me something to smile about everytime that I read your comments! Also a special thanks to daydreamer who has really got to know me and I really value your existence as a precious friend. Im at Vanessa and Clements house for the second day and he is playing assassins creed brotherhood. Apparantly after brotherhood, revelations is coming out. My hamster has started to hibernate. That is random but very upsetting to me cuz it means that I can't talk to her or play with her. Apparently clement wants to join the army for a job. I really dont want him to Jon the army cuz then he could die. That would be really sad. SERIOUSLY SAD. He insists that it would be alright cuz no one would miss him. By I would. And so would my sisters and his parents and maybe probably possible his sister. He is trying to complete a certain mission which he doesn't remember the name to. I've got to go so see you all later! Bye? LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUV!

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Hey, it's been a while

Hey again everybody! I know it's been quite some time since my last visit and I just wanted to tell you that I'm at Clement's house but right now he is at a friends house. We are staying for a sleepover and the reason for that is still unknown. My first sis is still in Japan and the other one is having a great time chilling with Vanessa. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate her or dislike her in any way but I find it much harder to get a long with her than I do to get along with clement. Though of course that can be expected since I am the same age as him but younger than Vanessa. I have also got to say sorry for my bad. / awkward spelling and that's cause I'm on the iPad. Akkie and Vanessa are dancing to some random song. The song is about coconut trees. Actually I don't think that it was meant to me a joke song or even a parody, I think that it's a proper song but the way that they dance to it I just start to doubt that. Apparently we are gonnahave pizza for dinner and I really wouldn't mind cuz i like pizza. I think I just said something really awkward. Not to you guys but to my sis. Oh well. Hey daydreamer, I'm really tired. (sigh). I'm seriously tired. However I don't wanna go to sleep. The iPads battery ain't doing so well so I'm gonna stop k? I love you all!

Wednesday 12 October 2011

All the bad stuff is happening to me!

I just forgot my history homework at home and usually I wouldn't care so much but todays homework was the actual assesment! I am so DEAD!! Well, maybe not since our teacher is so nice. What I mean by all the bad things are happening to me is that yesterday I woke up early and I got sick and the same happened today. This may not seem like much to you guys but I hate missing even a minute of sleep! WAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

Monday 10 October 2011


I HATE THE COLD!! This could just be cuz I'm Sri-Lankan but there are other reasons! I hate the fact that the cold makes my fingers unable to move as fast as usual. I pride myself in the nimbleness of my fingers and the stuff that they create (is stuff the correct word) and so I find it really annoying when my fingers are disable (not completly but it feels like they can't move at all). I also dislike the feeling of abandonment when you are outside in the cold. If you don't get it, you never will even if I explain it to you cuz it's just one of those things ya know? I've also got to say that I'm doing this thing called an ITQ test it school. It's for ICT and depending on how well you do it you can get a grade that is worth as much as a C-A* grade! WOOOOO! I'm pumped and I'm gonna get a A* level!! :) Please give me all of your support! (*bow*) LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUV!

Thursday 6 October 2011

Bleach Manga (and anime)

Yesterday the bleach manga just updated and it was just soooo good that I went and checked out the anime (which has a very different storyline btw) and that was sooooo good that I went and checked out the Naruto manga and that was soooooooo good that I went to sleep. Just a little post to say come read and watch bleach and naruto!!!

Thursday 29 September 2011

MY 100TH POST!!!

Over the few years that I have been have been posting, many things have happened and you have all been there for me and now I am writing my 100th post!

Ok, now on to the real stuff. I am in maths and I finished all the work so our teacher gave us laptops and said to research the history of probability which I am not interested in so I came here and posted and showed my friend my blog (she's sitting next to me). I won't reveal her name cuz it aint safe (and she said she'd kill me if I did). So how is everyone's life? Another one my classmates is peering over and correcting all of my spelling mistakes. A few people behind me are also taking interest. This is probably not what you'd want to be told about but that's about all that's going on. Oh, and today I'm gonna get my Portfolio book for the Silver Arts Award (wish me luck) and I'm gonna get started.

Nothing Important

THis message has nothing important in it so if you want to just switch off now, feel free. I am school right now and I got to school early so I decided to post. That's about it.

Wednesday 28 September 2011


Yeah, hey dudes! :)Do you like my new background? You've probably noticed but I just did a make over to my blog and I hope you all like it! I had a lot of different images and layouts to choose from and I got stuck between to very pretty backgrounds (both were black with colour on top - but that's just me!)but I chose this one in the end! Just to tell you all that I am starting Arts Award once again but this time I'm doing Silver Arts Award because I am now in yr8 and I wanted to get more UCAS points before I have to apply for a university. I know I think a long way ahead but that's just my style! :) I'm in a really good mood now cuz I've done all my homework and I'm free so I decided to come talk to you guys. I just had an idea, you know the bit that says 'Labels for this post' - well I'm just gonna put one of my good days or one of my bad days in it. That's totally random and not interesting at all but that is all I can say! Can't stay and chat cuz I wanna go and check out Daydreamer's blog (I've been checking it out and reading your posts but I haven't been able to comment - sorry!)so I gotta go guys! Thanx for reading this and I hope you like the new look! :) LUUUUUUUUUUUV!!!!!

Monday 29 August 2011

Hey again

Me and Cle are working on a little manga of our own (YH HA!) and this (maybe) is the friend of our main character. He hasn't been named yet but he is a very pervous and frivoulous ladies man. :)

Saturday 20 August 2011

Hey again

Soz for having such a big time gap since I last posted but that is cuz Vanessa and Clement came over to our house. They just left yesterday. Me and dad had a little heart to heart about all the probs and other stuff and my dad told me some great news today morning! We have bought a house!!! We have everything done, all thats left is to give over the money, sell this place and leave!! Of course something could go easily wrong but for now we should just be happy bout it right? Daydreamer, can you do me a little favour? Check out this song on Youtube and tell me what you think of it? It's my feel good song!
Keep your head up - Andy Grammer

Friday 12 August 2011

My eutopia approaches!

Every thing in life is running smoother than ever before! My sisters and my mum and me are doing Zumba together to keep my sisters and mum in shape and help them lose some weight and since I'm teaching I feel great! This is not just a superiority complex pleasure, I also feel that since I am now more involved with my mum, we have gained a deeper bond. Tomorrow morning at 6am we are going out for a jog. This is great! I am really looking forward to it, my sisters are probably going to be hard to wake up but they are competitive and wouldn't want to lose to my mum! :) I have also assigned myself a new personal goal. Since my other females around are trying their best to change their appearance for the better, so will I! Before year 8 begins I will try to get prettier! (*blush!*) I will brush my teeth a LOT to get beautiful pearly whites and I will put oil in my hair to get smooth silky hair and I will moisturise my skin to get clean and shiny skin. Please support me in my new journey! (*bow*)



Wednesday 10 August 2011

I'm gonna be leaving today

As the title suggests, I'm gonna be leaving today. This is just to say that I'm slightly (ok totally ) miffed that We have to go so soon. Clement just asked me If it's boring to beat his place since I'mtyping stuff on the iPad but you can guess that he was wrong and I made that clear. I'm gonna go read some manga so be! LUUUUUUV!

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Hey again everybody!

Forget what I said in my last post, I was just on the spur of the moment - my emotions were running high. Well right now I am at Cle's house and he is playing little big planet 2 which is really interesting to watch but really hard to play. I'm typing on the iPad ( that's right I'm using the iPad! ). I'm having a great time here, I arrived yesterday 9pm ish and am going to be here till tomorrow. We had Mcdonalds for lunch cuz my sisters and Vane went out shopping. They just came back and left again to go swimming. Not actually that bothered by the fact that they are going out and I'm not since I get to at least I get to spend the time with Cle. I really like. It here but have nothing more to say so bye guys! Write to ya soon! LUUUUUUUUUV!

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Back to sqaure one :(

:( All the bad luck in the world just jumped on my back today. We got two phone calls from two different people the first one was from the people whos house we were gonna buy - they pulled out meaning that we can no longer buy the house we want. :( And we were thinking - no prob, we're still gonna sell the house soon meaning we just have to buy the house! :) BUT THEN we got ANOTHER phone call from the people who were supposed to be buying OUR house saying that they couldn't buy it since the bank won't give them a loan. Meaning that we're back to square one. I'm depressed so no 'LUV' today. Soz. :'(

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Hey guys!

I've been away for four days at my uncle's house in Bournemouth. He has one daughter whose younger than me and a son who is older than me. On the first day we went to go fishing but then we couldn't get tickets then we went to see if we could go horse riding but you had to pre-book so we didn't do that and I think what we did do was go shopping... I don't remember everything. Well on the last day we went fishing and we caught loads of fish! I caught SEVEN!! Not bad for a rookie! Then me and the daughter (what else do I call her without actually saying her name?) went on the trampoline and I jumped too high and banged two of my bones in my leg together and now I can't walk. On the way home we wen't to Cle+Ven's (that's what I'm calling them! I can't just say I went to their house) place and we decided that when their mum's break is over they are gonna come to our place for a week. I'm tired and I'm going back to sleep. So bye.
Luv (*yawn*)

Tuesday 26 July 2011


This is the 3rd post today and it's going to be really short (one sentence I bet) - this is the news, apparently we have actually BOUGHT the house and my dad didn't tell me and it will only take us around 3 MONTHS to move out!!

This is not part of this post:
One sentence! I win the bet!


This is my second post today just to tell you something about the movie I've been trying to make. Well, it's animated so I thought that I would draw it and then take pics and then work with it but that flopped so I tried drawing it on paint and then working on it from there but that was hard (ish) so tomorrow I'm going to try a different method. This may sound stupid but 'paper cutouts'. Yh, well I'm weird. I know it. I'll be back to tell you if it works out.

Hey, I'm back!

Yeah, so hey guys, this is probably the first time in a long time that I have posted more than once in one week but I'm not truley sure if it's the next week since my last post so maybe that doesn't work out. So whatever, just here to say that I have great news!and some BAD news!(?) The bad news first (soz I didn't ask you guys which one you wanted first!) - the person who might of been trying to buy our house is no longer interested (or so I have heard) and now we are looking for people to buy our house so we can move the hell outta here! The good news is that we've found a house we like and my dad plans on buying! But that doesn't matter since we don't have the money (yet) to buy it since we are no longer selling the house (as early as expected). This was just a random rant of mine so hope you can appreciate my weirdness.


Saturday 23 July 2011


WOOOHOOO NEW FOLLOWER!!! I just noticed so sorry if I offended you by not noticing earlier so lets give you a proper welcome! Hey Enrico, nice to meet you! I'm really happy that you have taken a liking to me!! Hey Daydreamer lookie! I have a new follower!! Thnaks for following some one like me *hehe*! I'll check out your blog too and repay the favour (well it wasn't exactley a favour - more of a good deed but oh well) By now you are probably regretting following me since you are gonna have to put up with me being this hyped at my NEW FOLLOWER!!! WOOHOO! OK, to avoid bursting from over excitement I will say bye-bye! So, bye-bye! LUUUUUUUUUUUV!

I haven't talked to you guys in ages!

Hey, daydreamer, email me again. Im getting lonley! :(
Sorry if I'm too clingy but I really do miss you. I hope that soon I can get more followers! Then I wont be so lonley. I was going to upload a picture I drew but I can't find the camera so sorry! I have set a goal for myslef but it is really hard! I want to get better at my school studies. It sounds so easy but I get distracted really easily and I HATE maths but oh well. I haven't done much on my website latley so my projects for the summer hols are my web site and to make a movie. I just found that one of our laptops has Windows Movie Maker so I can make short videos using some of my chibi characters. I've already designed my characters and wrote out the story and all thats left is to draw each frame and to FIND THE BLOODY CAMERA!!! I'm not going to tell you any more than that! It'll be a surpise! I'm gonna put it on youtube so I can show you all when I'm done! Well, I gotta get going cuz I haven't checked my mail in months and my friend said she'd mail me! C YA! LUV!

Saturday 2 July 2011

My dad bought me a MP3!!!

Im really happy! He bought me sistas two awesome phones cuz thats wat they asked 4. Of course, i only asked for an mp3, at first i threw a strop but then i realized i should just love my dad for all the trouble he went to get it for me. Plus he got me a great one that you can watch movies and take photos and all sorts on. Its not touch screen or Apple but it's still really AWESOME! I LOVE YOU DAD!!

Sunday 26 June 2011

Just did the exam

Yh, just came back from doing the exam. Actually I lied, Im at a little kid's 4th b-day prty burning away in the boiling summer of England. England is either too hot or too cold. Im gonna go watch 'The Apprentice' online. Bye.

Friday 17 June 2011

Thought I'd say hey!

As the title suggests, I'm here to just say hey! I'm at my friends house and I'm typing this all on his IPad. I'm also watching him playing on Naruto on his PS3. This is really fun, I mean as in tying on the iPad, it's surprisingly fun. I have my YMBA exams coming up so I've got to study 'cuz the results (if they're good that is) can get me a great game ( pokemon black ) which I've wanted since it came out. It's not that expensive compared to many other new games." One complaint that I have to make is that i have noticed that all of the monte dogs games that I have wanted for a really long time have come out on only nintendo 3DS. It annoyed me cuz I have a nintendo DS but I can't find a binge dogs game anywhere but I can find one for a console that is really new but has the game that I want on it. I'm gonna see what else this iPad so bye!

Friday 10 June 2011

Hey guys!

Just looking back, I'm surprised how long I have been able to keep this up, posting on my blog I mean. Both my friend and my sister lasted only one day each. At the moment, no one interested in what I have to say on my blog (or otherwise they would have COMMENTED?!) but who cares, in case you are reading this, soz if I offended you in any way, please comment anyways! Right now, I have started a new project called Project NIHONGO. Nihongo means 'Japanese' in ... Japanese (nah, really?). I've started to learn Hiragana, I'm learning it quite well. My dad is getting me a MP3 (YAY!!!) and I plan on getting all of the best Breathe Calafornia songs and maybe some ATL songs and some other random songs I'm digging at the time! Prob gonna get some Jap songs on it too! Thnx for reading this, it's probably boring for you though, so bye!! (REMEMBER: MAKE LOVE NOT WAR!!)

Friday 3 June 2011

Hey daydreamer

Hey Daydreamer, glad to see you havent met with any unfortunate accidents or sticky situations that ended you life (to much detail?). If your looking at this now scroll down, scroll down a leetle bit more until you see a post that is very VERY long, you don't have to read it all I just want you to read at least a little of it. Thnx, I dunno what to say. I REALLY wanna earn money right now since we're looking for a new house (HOUSE not FLAT) and we are gonna sell this place. I wanna be able to help out but I'm a bit young. When I turn 14 I can do babysitting, thats good. You can get a lot of money out of babysitting. I also know a GREAT site for getting part time jobs for teens but Im not of the legal age for a part time job. The sites '' if you want it. Just look around. I dunno if I spelt it correct but check it out if you are a teen in need of a job (UK only...soz). Im really bored but I think I can make it anyways, no probs right now. Gah, I have such a profound life and I'm deep for a kid yet I can't think of anything to say. Just keep livin. Yh, thats good. Keep Livin!

(Oh and, how bout this 'MAKE LOVE NOT WAR' hehe...)

Sunday 22 May 2011

Loads of thing to tell you guys...

I have loads of things to tell you guys... first of all, Soz for not posting for such a long time. Second, my poem is going to be published in a magazine. Third, exams week is over and I got crap results for maths and good results for english. My B-day was last thursday. What else?... I'm getting my link soon. School is nearly over, my websites going really well. Also, why hasn't any of you relpied to my last few posts, I havent bored you all already have I? Well that sucks. I really wanted more people to comment on my story since this is really important for my career. Oh well.

Sunday 1 May 2011

Wattup guys?

Right now I'm at a friend's place having a mini get-together type of thing. They're kinda interested in my blog so I plan on showing them (well I already showed them, they looked at my story and said 'no way, you didn't write that') There's this dude named ***** and he wants me to say that 'there is a handsome dude next to me'. (Trust me he isn't anything special! xp! Lol... Now what? Hmmm... Im listening to Mr.Saxobeat by Alexandra Stan. I love this song but it is made out of the chorus repeated over and over again. Go on youtube and check it out sometime. thnx! LUV!

Thursday 28 April 2011

More stories

Sorry I didn't update the rest of the story, my aunt didn't have a computer, I cant do it now 'cuz I'm at school. However I have another story at school. Enjoy!
This isn't 'Nursing My Broken Heart', it's 'Impure World - Rise'.
The purple stone lay on her hand. Soft and smooth and beautiful. But useless. The only thing left to her (other than the house, the money, the surrounding woods) by her parents, was completely useless. Like all the rest of it. The mansion was pretty but the summer house would have done. The money was needed but a few Jerai would have done. The woods… the one place she could go. Have her own space to herself, her own little bubble. That was… helpful, but not a necessity. Touza stood and pulled back the ‘brick’ and placed the small stone back inside. The brick was the place she kept everything important to her. If she placed them there, the maids won’t touch them. ‘Probably because they don’t know about this place’ thought Touza. The brick seemed like a normal brick but was in fact a hidden storage room. Once you pulled back the brick, a small safe opens up and that is where Touza puts her things. Every morning is the same. She wakes up two hours before wakeup call and takes out her stone to handle it. Then puts it back. The time was still 4:56 AM. ‘Enough time to go outside’ thought Touza. She got up from her bed and changed out from her bed clothes and into her outdoor breeches. Green breeches and a dark brown tunic, with a black leather belt to keep the tunic tight against her waist. It was always the same clothes. Always. Of course Touza washed them but on those days, she simply didn’t go outside. It was a nice sunny day and a lazy breeze fanned passed her, tousling her hair. Touza favourite month, the start of a new beginning, May, was here. The small flowers outside the mansion had already begun to bloom; Touza suspected they would be ready for her birthday. The maids always put on a celebration though she insisted that she would be better without one. Suddenly the air changed. But not in a bad way. The air was warmer and softer but the change was sudden. ‘Deer’ thought Touza. The deer always came this time of morning, and no matter how Touza behaved, she knew the deer were not afraid of her. The warmth was probably because the spring was the mating season for the resident deer and well… love is in the air! Touza checked her watch, still a lot of time left. Touza let the wind lead her. She didn’t know where she was going, she was just going with the wind, and all she knew is that when the time came, the wind would lead her back. As Touza walked slowly, more like wafted along. And as she crossed the small stream, she heard voices. ‘Humans’ Touza thought. ‘Non-magic folk, jealous of those who are detached form humanity- Jinshui. Still rules by the laws and qualities of humanity. Pitiful creatures.’ This phrase was from another of her useless items. One of her maids had said the book was found in the library with a note attached from her father:
‘For little Touza, if I don’t get to teach her what she is’.
Touza had learnt all of her magic from that book, none of it was helpful but it was all she needed to know. She couldn’t go to school, not when she knew what she was. Her family was one of the few that had learnt the secrets of magic. But not only did her family know magic, they knew that magic was strongest when you are no longer human. To be human, you need a few basics: Food, water, shelter, company and love. Touza’s family along with a few others had learnt that by breaking the rules of company and love and learning to control their feelings and rely on themselves and not others, they could become stronger. Of course, Touza did have company and love but she was able to control her feelings. She could fight for herself and spoke her thoughts. She was Jinshui. But there was one rule that she could not break, never become a beast. Simple enough, all Touza had to do was love, but be subtle, care but be careful, feel but never feel sorry for yourself. Touza watched the herd pass, a few nuzzled her for food and she fed them a nut and then they carried on walking. Then Touza remembered what day it was. 1st of May, the deer king’s day. It was the day when all the deer in the country went to pay respects to their king. Touza checked her clock. Nearly 5:00! She rushed back to her room, changed back into her bed clothes and sunk back into sleep. The maids would wake her in one hour, until then all she had to do was rest.
The maid came in at 6:00 AM. The sun was out and the morning was a bright one. Touza’s breakfast was laid out on her bed side table and after she was woken up, Touza ate quietly
‘The deer are not going to be back for another few days so the wind would probably lead me down to the river, further away from home but when the time comes, and the deer return, the fawns shall be a sight to see’. After breakfast (of a fine onion and tomato soup) Touza washed and dressed into a special festive dress. A beautiful dress of green silk with the hems of the sleeves where made of rich dark green velvet. The silk was decorated with pretty patterns of deer and rabbits. Today was a special day. The 1st of May was the day that spring began. There was always a ceremony for that day. Touza tied up her hair into a high bun, leaving her fringe covering her right eye and then curling beneath her chin. As she walked out from her bedroom, her small young maid came walking through the corridor. She was dressed in rags as she could not afford much. ‘Come here’ Touza said. The maid obeyed straight away. She came to Touza’s side, curtseyed and asked what her will was. Touza made the maid follow her to her bedroom. She dug into her closet and pulled out a dark green dress made of silk. It was Touza’s smallest dress. It would probably fit the young maid. ‘Wear this’. The maid was shocked and reeled back. ‘I can’t where that! It’s yours, young mistress!’ Touza stepped forward and smiled. She handed over the dress and said ‘I want you to be my personal maid, you have to where this since your coming with me to the ceremony’. The small maid looked shocked, then she starting smiling and in no time at all, she was on the floor weeping at Touza’s feet saying ‘thank you’. Touza smiled. She had made a good choice. She had always desired a personal maid, and this girl was perfect. Naïve and sweet, small and young, perfect. Touza hurried to stop her new personal maid crying and helped her apply her make-up and her accessories (though the maid kept on crying out saying that it was too much for a maid). While Touza was putting a pale green bead necklace around her friend’s neck, Touza suddenly remembered something. Touza stepped back and dropped to her knees, as a Jinshui, how could she forget this! ‘Please forgive my rudeness, I have not asked your name have I?’ Touza asked. The maid gasped and pulled Touza up. ‘My name is Kyare, but if you dare bow to me again, I shall be leaving’. Touza smiled and hugged Kyare. No more words were needed, since she was a Jinshui, Touza had the ability to send her feeling to people close to her through the form of music. Kyare wasn’t just a maid. She was also a friend. Touza had had many personal maids and whenever she felt like it, Touza changed her maid. But never before had any of the maids been dressed in fine clothe wear, taken to the May ceremony or been bowed to by the young mistress. Kyare knew how special this made her, and upon doing so, Kyare felt a huge rush of fondness towards the young mistress. Kyare vowed then to herself that no matter what happened, if Kyare could, she would always protect the young mistress.
The May ceremony was a beautiful ceremony where all the nations’ Jinshui would come together to celebrate the day that the first Jinshui unlocked their hearts. Touza herself had no idea what this meant, but when she came of age, she would be told everything. ‘Fat chance’ thought Touza, ‘I don’t have parents to teach me, none of the maids are Jinshui and since my parents aren’t here, I can’t apply for a place at a mage school’.
This year’s ceremony was to be held at a small hall, surrounded by a ring of trees which hid it from the view of humans. Jinshui are of course biologically ‘human’ but their spiritual energy, their minds, their hearts and their very survival necessity is different. Kyare and Touza stepped out into the front lawn, and walked past a few Fukui bushes. The very bushes that the deer herd had appeared from. The Fukui berries and leaves both had special properties. ‘The berries of the enchanted Fukui bush are known for the precious juices which can be squeezed out of them to cure wounds. The leaves too can cure wounds but only if you chew them. Those who have eaten the Fukui leaves comment that they are bitter but still amazingly delicious! Kyare and Touza carried on walking, past the apple orchard, past the small flowing stream and out into a beautiful clearing of pure green grass. The sun overhead was shining brightly, radiating heat and light to warm all those below it. The small hall was visible ahead but even still, Touza knew there was a long way to go. It took her and Kyare 15 minutes to walk over to the hall, less if Touza hadn’t stopped walking every few minutes to point out a creature of interest or a herb with magical properties. Kyare listened quietly and patiently though at times, she did hurry Touza along. As they neared the hall, they could see the small carvings surrounding the hall. Small sphinx and unicorns, slugwats and jenhens. The picture was majestic and it was only when Touza looked all the way up to the roof of the building did she see the dragon. The dragon was gigantic, bigger than all the other creatures, and what made it stand out more than anything else is that it was coloured with the colours of the five elements. Touza was about to question Kyare about what it was but she was hurried into the building as she opened her mouth. The corridor leading to the main hall was lined with guards. Each of them dressed in fine hides dyed a dull maroon and engraved with a dragon entwining itself around their torso. ‘The dragon is the symbol of strength and leadership’ Kyare explained. Touza turned around to face Kyare with a puzzled look, she was about to talk when Kyare chuckled. ‘Don’t ask me how I read your mind; it was obvious from watching your face!’ Touza only then noticed that before, she was gaping wide-eyed at the astounding uniforms, with a dopey puzzled expression. Touza chuckled at noticing that many of the guards were blushing. Though she hated to admit it, she was beautiful. She had pale, clear skin and twinkling jade eyes. Her nutmeg hair fell in soft waves, framing her face and tumbling down to her waist. Of course, Touza’s hair was tied up – but even still, her flawless body and perfect face never failed to impress. So why did she hate her beauty so much? No matter how tom-boy she may act, you can’t forget that she is, in fact, a girl. She hated her mesmerising beauty simply because she feared that she would never find true love. Her husband would probably only fall for her, after seeing her face. He probably wouldn’t care what she acted like. And so, to avoid pain (as in the rules), she avoided love. But that didn’t stop her being beautiful. Each year, she would break some poor guard’s heart at the annual festival and she had no doubts about the prospects of this year. Kyare and her reached the end of the corridor, one of the guards walked over to open the door for them. As Touza entered, the room hushed. She wasn’t surprised. It happened every year, no matter who the guests were or where she was. Kyare followed and both of them were led to a banquet table over flowing with dishes of all kinds. Meats and fruits, sides and mains, men and women (not to eat – just there). Touza sat down with Kyare to her right hand, the seat on her left was empty but not for long. A group of frivolous young men were close to their table and one of the more bold ones soon wandered over and asked ‘May I sit here Miss?’ he played with a cheeky grin but kept his aura calm. Touza slid a fan out from one of her sleeves, covered her face and replied ‘Sure Sir, there isn’t anyone using that seat if my eyes do not fail me’. Her reply was with a polite tone but if not for her beauty, she would be concerned rather rude. The young man blushed and seated himself. He was used to playing with girls, not, it seems, being played with! ‘So, Miss, could I have the pleasure of knowing your name?’ he had brought his composure back as quick as he could and Touza knew that what she was about to do wasn’t exactly kind, but, if he couldn’t control himself – he can’t be called Jinshui. ‘Touza and my family name is ... is a secret not to be told until the mist shall rise’ poetry was one of her many talents and Touza had a habit of confusing her poor suitors with her dangerous – yet beautiful –web of words. ‘I, am Jake, Jake Flensburg and I do await the day that the mist shall rise so I may learn which family holds possession of such a charming rose, you are of fair face and have been gracefully named’ he took hold of her hand and moved it down slowly as he talked, her fan was being moved away. Touza knew when danger was near and she also knew how to act. ‘ Kind Sir, this rose may charm but I advice you to steer clear of it’s thorns’ her voice was sharp and cold and her eyes had changed into gems of ice. Jake backed away, then stood up and bowed ‘Pardon me, Miss.Touza’ he left, re-joined his group of friends, only to be laughed at. Touza returned her fan to inside her sleeve. The rest of the day was fairy uneventful. A few more young men - Kyare, too was wooed over , but mainly on Touza’s part and the feast began. Just before the end of the festival, the Jinshui Supreme entered. He had the same effect as Touza to the room, every one was silenced but not for his beauty. He was an old man with a long flowing beard, he had a cap which flowed down the back of his beautifully embroidered robes and he carried a cane. He was the Jinshui Supreme simply because he was strong. No one could beat him. He made a speech, which, though having deep respect for him, Touza did not listen to. He stepped down and sat at a table made especially for him and began the feast. The food was delicious and everyone was having a great time. There was chatting and laughter, eating and drinking. Kyare was having an amazing time and Touza was trying to keep the young men who were swooning around her at bay. She glanced up at the Jinshui Supreme; he was eating happily and laughing at jokes. Behind him there was movement. Only very slight, a shadow, cast on the curtain behind him. There wasn’t any one in front of the curtain – it must be coming from behind! Some planned on assassinating the Jinshui Supreme. Touza jumped up, she used her life energy to propel her forward and she brought our her fan, the shadow was moving forward, he would jump and probably stab in a moment, with one movement Touza slided a knife out from behind her fan. The shadow jumped, his blade hit Touza’s own one full force, and she stumbled but managed to keep her balance. She forced her blade forward and made the surprise attacker fall backwards, she pressed her blade to his throat and brought her body behind him, resting his head on her thighs, she looked up to face the Jinshui Supreme. The kafuffle had made everyone look up, stop eating and stare. The guards ran up and took the man away. He dropped his blade. Touza bent and picked it up – to take an enemies weapon showed that you had defeated him. The Jinshui Supreme walked over silently toward Touza, she started to kneel down but he stopped her by placing a hand on her shoulder. Then slowly, he kneeled down in front of her. All of the people on the room did the same. When he had got up, Touza still hadn’t said anything. ‘Thank you, I am in your debt’ she was made to sit at the top table with him and (of course) Kyare, too was told to come. All the young (and old) men stared up at her like she was some goddess and the number of love confessions more than doubled. The Jinshui Supreme, though being in her debt, did not try to spark any more conversation until the day ended and many of the Jinshui began to head home, in fact, he waited until Kyare told Touza that they themselves should be getting home. He stopped her when she was about to leave the table. ‘Wait, I owe you however I can not pay back my debt to you if you are so intent on hopping away. I can’t pay back my debt with all of these people here either’ his eyes were a calm, deep and enchanting blue, wise and knowledgeable. Touza returned to her seat and told Kyare to do the same. Kyare returned obediently, she was able to advice Touza on what to do but a direct order can not be disobeyed or questioned. As the night passed on, many more Jinshui left. Many young Jinshui argued with their parents on having to leave the presence of Touza’s flaming beauty. It was past 2:00 A.M by the time that every lord and lady had left the hall. Many of her young suitors were very hesitant to leave her presence, though after she began to become impatient (she wanted to know what the Jinshui Supreme needed to tell her) and so she ‘gently’ prompted them to leave obediently. Kyare stayed with her but it seemed that the Jinshui Supreme expected her to leave but, instead of telling Kyare to go on ahead of her, Touza asked (very boldly) the Jinshui Supreme to begin. His eyes widened in surprise and he stared with disrespect at Kyare, Touza stepped in front of her which bought back the Jinshui Supreme from his own little world. ‘Miss.Touza am I correct?’ he asked. Touza nodded. ‘Well my dear, I am in debt for what you did earlier today…

Well, wajja think?Hmm...

Sunday 24 April 2011


Woohoo! Im going over to one of my fav aunt's house. I got a really cute black dress with a yellow floral pattern from a friend of mine and I'm wearing it there. Just wanted to tell you all that my magazine is becoming steadily more popular, there is at least 11 different people viewing it everyday! Thats great news but it also means that I have to work harder since my employees are on easter break! Whatevs, it doesn't matter since I really enjoy working. Also, I have been writing two stories, one called 'Nursing My Broken Heart' and the other called 'Impure World- Rise'. I plan on creating an 'Impure World Trilogy'. I only have my manuscript for 'Nursing My Broken Heart' right now, so I can only share that with you. Just to warn you that it sux! I find it easier to imagine more than write the actual thing! I started this story two years ago and I have wanted to be an author for at least 3 yrs now. So here goes nothing!

----++++----Nursing My Broken Heart ----++++----
I look down at Spike. His tail wags as I place down a brown paper bag on the cold floor. He tears the bag apart and fries fly all over the place. I burst out laughing - the first time in a long time. I sit down next to him and tuck into a burger. The sensation of warm food filled my watering mouth. My whole body tingled and I felt a fresh rush of life flow into my body. Me and Spike haven't eaten for three days. Ever since I left home, we lived on the streets but I was able to find a simple job as a waitress at a posh resturaunt. The uniform I have to wear is placed in a cardboard box to avoid Spike tearing it up. I want to get a better job when I grow up, I promised my dad I'd do my best at school... but now he isn't... he... Never mind. I can't go to my old school so I'm looking for another one.
Got to go, my mum is screaming her annnoying head off! Never mind, I'll finish it when we get to my aunt's place! LUV! hehe!...

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Hey Wazzup guys?

Hey guys, wazzup?! I just wanted to share some of my recent acheivments with you - :
1) Best actress award in the 'Drama Interform' in school (I got a trophy!:) !!)
2) One gold and one silver medal in the Tang Soo Do 28th Region One Championships!
Awesome right?! Oh, and, the mag is also doing great, I showed some of my friends in school and now they have become addicted so I spend a lot of my time updating it. Arts Award is done - I just handed it in, so now I chill. I have an obsession with MMORPG games and I just found one that ticks all the right boxes! - SmallWorlds. You can have pets, you can do magic, you can do quests, you have your own house and avatar, its a virtual world, you can make teams and play games and buy clothes or furniture to decorate your house, you even have a garden, you can customise your pet and name him/her and you can make friends and enemies, there's forums and etc. AWESOME RIGHT?! I know...
Bye!! LUV!!

Tuesday 22 March 2011


I'm feeling really lonely right now... and VERY busy! I just finished watching the anime series Blue Dragon, I just activated my Twitter acount (I did that quite some time ago) and I am watching my sisters showing my parents some japanese songs. They are argueing over it but they look like a proper family, they look really happy, I feel a tinge left out but since I will probably spoil the picture by butting in, I will leave them to it and just watch them. I need to speed up on my arts award, the deadline is April 1st and I also got to make the dress for the fashion show coming up. I need to step up the work on my website, find some auditions to start of my acting career and practice with my group for the Drama Interform competition coming up. More detail on each: Arts award, not much to say..., Fashion Show, well, there is a fashion show on the April 7th and I gotta make the dress and all the accesories. My Webstite, well I have loads of great ideas for my mag and I need to put them to work. Acting-- you know i love acting, I just want a chance to do it more. Oh and for the interform, I am the wicked witch in Snow white (the script is from Rald Doal's poem version). Gosh, I am tired, I wanna act more... I ask for too much. Thank you guys for sticking with me an I'll update you if anything happens!

Sunday 13 March 2011


Loads of things have been happening and I don't know where to start. Well, I started my own online mag (have I said that before?)and I have employed two people to work for me. The website adress is - My oldest sister had a japanese exchange student around and today she left to go back to Japan. I got a Twitter account now so please follow me everybody! My name is KawaiiTURtle . I'm not really bothered to carry on typing since I got sooo much homework to do and blablabalba! Watevs, lets just say my life is as manic and boring asalways! XD

Wednesday 9 February 2011

My sister has FINALLY lost it!

My sister has finally lost it. She was messing around on the computer with my other sister and then she stood up for a bit. She remembered that she had homework to do and because both computers were being used... she well lost it. Right now she is ranting on about how Hitler was correct and that me and my other sister get everything we want and she doesn't ( oh by the way, I wasn't origianlly going to put what is in the '' marks where they are. I was going to repeat a racist comment my sister made on the Jews and the Somalians - which I do not think she is right at all! My best friend is a Jew and one of my good (male) friends is from Somalia) (I wasn't allowed to put it because my nosy family couldn't resist the temptation of making a giant flipping fuss but soon that will all be over). I really need to get a summer job - probably pet sitting. I would also like to get a part time job soon too. Then when I earn enough, I could FINALLY move out of this stinking place. Well, now I am being told by my FINALLY crazy sister that I am an idiot but well I would not expect anything less from her. Now she says she DOESN'T agree with Hitler because he encouraged big families (personally I like big families - they're really cosy!). Suppose thats all, Now you understand how much my life sucks and why I want to escape this mad house as soon as possible.

Monday 7 February 2011


Thanx daydreamer, and yes, I am finally better. On saturday I took out Tooty and then my big sister put her back, yesterday, I went to take her out when I noticed that the cage door was opened. Tooty was found a few minutes later stuck between my dad's DIY tools. My sister is banned from touching Tooty ever again. I was sooo stressed. Over it now though! :3

Saturday 5 February 2011


I'm sick and I'm cooped up at home, snug in my bed listening to music. I had lunch for breakfast and breakfast for lunch! I feel so weird! LALALA! Maybe I'm just bored! Whatever!

Thursday 3 February 2011

Yh, Im bored

I'm soo bored, but I do have some interesting stuff still happening in my life. I thought I'd just say that anyone who likes anime should check out ' Movin bleach endind' (JAPANESE SONG), Sunshine Monkey Majik (JAPANESE) Both songs are japanese and they are both really gr8! Gotta go, end of lunch! Bye! LUV!

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Im Magix

Me and my two friends - Iris and Bubble (pennames for the website) have just done the first shoot and I have updated some pics, just to say, my penname is Magix! LUV!

Thursday 27 January 2011


Since this site of mine is for teens, I want to do the fashion. I'm going to Trafalgar Square to take pics of the current fashion. The Do's and the Don'ts. It is not going to be easy however since I am very oppiniated and I think I should start to bend a bit more. You know, open my mind! LUV

Wednesday 26 January 2011


I didn't notice the link didn't come up so I'm gonna type it up now!:
If you want to make a website use Doomby, it is free and useful and rather easy to use!

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Im back but Im late!

This is sooo not 'tomorrow'! Soz! Well, work is going smooth. I've saved up everything I have earned ( not much = £1.93) and I can't wait till yr 8 or at least till the hols! I plan on pet sitting during the hols. Only like £5 per week, I have the chance to earn probably £20 at the most but that would be very helpful for me. At the end of the hols, I'm gonna visit natwest so I can put all my money in my bank account. I have £10.05 right now in my bank account so Im soon gonna get MORE!! Yay!! Can't wait to get more money! I love money!! Bye, luv!
(oh I forgot to mension, I've started a sight for girls my age, though your a dude, it wouldn't hurt if you check it out I suppose. So check it out, tell me what you think of it!)

Thursday 20 January 2011


Thanx! Daydreamer, I'm school so I'm not gonna say too much. Tonight I have got Tang-soo-do and I just remembered tommorow I have PIANO CLASS!! AAARRRGGHHH!!! Iam probably going to die so these are my last words ( kidding ). My sis said she might pay me to go first and to tell you the truth I think I will except 'cuz I'm saving up and piano is alright, it's just that MY TEACHER IS A HAG!! That is all. When I get home, I gotta do my Geography assigment and I also got to go to work ( thank GOD I work at home ) AND do my arts award. I haven't eaten yet and I am sooo starved, so be back in a sec yh? ( Tomorrow prob) LUV!

Wednesday 19 January 2011


Yikes, I haven't posted in ages, have I. Well, this time I'm not saying sorry. I stopped posting because you guys weren't commenting. Never mind. Well, anyways, my arts award is going great and I finally found out what the deadline is. April 1st. Tomorrow I'm going to tang-soo-do class and I'm grading end of February! AWESOME!! Also for my arts award, you have to do a class ( part D ) and you have to be an audience ( part B ). For part B, I'm going to a school play done by the senior members. It is free for me and my parents if we go on valentines day and before the play, there is going to be a tour for my family of the new buildings! Also my online store is doing awesome! Well, not yet, but soon! I have found a giant stash of cute cloth and I can't wait to make plushies!! When I go to year 8 ( yep, this is in ages, but I'm allowed to dream aren't I? ), I'm going to start a sewing club and every month there is going to be a sale. From these sales, half the money we earn will be given to our club funds, the rest, we shall keep! Awesome isn't it. I hope that I earn more money soon and I hope that I can publish my book so good luck me! Bya! LUV!

Monday 3 January 2011


Sorry for taking so long to post again. I can't sleep.I'll post in the morning!